The API endpoints are provided so you can retrieve data – data fields and relationships – from a specific entity. If any ranges or limitations exist, they will be noted within our reference documentation. For details on all of our collections, please visit ourĀ API Reference page.
To make a request using our API, you must include a valid token that is obtained by authenticating with For details, please visit our Authentication page
The api currently is read only, hence the only allowed method is GET.
Fund data are grouped by fund group and type of information. Here is an example below:
Authorization: Bearer {your-auth-token} or query string parameter
Along with the processing status, you should see an HTTP status of 200 OK. If there are any errors in the response, see Error and Status Messages for more information.
Use the $count query parameter to obtaining the number of records in a dataset.
Client-driven paging can be requested with the $top query parameter to limit the size of the response, and the $skip query parameter to define the first result to display.
The server will ignore $skip results and then return the first $top items.
When paging is applied, a link to the next results will be added at the end of the payload.
Results returned by the service can be sorted by a field using the $orderby parameter. The field name can be followed by the asc and desc keywords to specify the sort order (default is ascendant).
GET$skip=20&$top=20&$orderby=PublishedDate desc
The $filter parameter can be used to apply a restriction on results.
Supported restriction operators are eq and ne for equality and inequality, lt and gt for strict inequalities and le and ge for non strict inequalities.
Multiple restriction expessions can be combined into bigger expressions with the logical operators and and or.
GET$orderby=PublishedDate desc&$filter=PublishedDate+ge+'2020-05-07'+and+PublishedDate+lt+'2020-05-08'
A URI with a $expand parameter indicates that Entries associated with the Entry or Collection of Entries identified by the Resource Path section of the URI must be represented inline (i.e. eagerly loaded). For example, if you want to identify a Team entities and its Funds and data Groups, you could use a single HTTP request.
GET$orderby=PublishedDate desc&$take=20&$expand=Fund,Type