Parsers as a useful tool for your business

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As they say, who owns the information, he owns the world. To stay ahead of competitors, you need to know and do a little more than competitors.  The lion’s share of profits almost all companies receive through its own website on the Internet. The latest trends are as follows: in order to successfully sell online, your site must be filled with a lot of quality content and be updated daily. Also for successful business you need to know your competitors inside and out. Quickly collect information in large volumes is problematic.

Come to the aid already a familiar process for web scraping of websites. In simple words, it is an elementary collection of information from third-party resources according to certain specified criteria. In fact, web scraping helps to perform two main tasks. The first is the selection of relevant information and partial automation of content creation. The second task, which helps parsing – a market analysis. This is a great way to collect detailed information about your competitors, including the analysis of advertising activity and create your own actual semantic core. It is very important when there is a need to work with a large amount of information. Thus, the use of website scraping is undoubtedly one of the most useful business tools for any sphere of business.

An additional necessary web scraping function is reputation management on the Internet. The Internet is an environment inhabited by millions of people who are already used to share experiences with each other, talk about events, read and leave feedback about products or services. Web scraping helps to track reviews on the Internet and respond to them in a timely manner to prevent consequences. To quickly fill the online store, you can also use web scraping. The robot will simply collect information from the website of your suppliers, create a table, the integration of which will quickly fill the online store with a large volume of goods.

If you work with a large number of suppliers, and their database has thousands of items, then maintain the current catalog with prices manually – the task is simply unreal. Web scraping will also help here. The robot will quickly collect the information you are interested in and create a table with data for your convenience.

Another successful application of web scraping is the optimization of the recruitment process. Many HR from England, Australia, Germany, USA and others are already using robots in their work, which select interesting candidates and make up a full table with data for analysis, while the personnel officer is engaged in other work with personnel.

Web scraping is not only for commercial purposes, but also, for example, for operational investigative activities.

How it works:

  • the robot scans the site and collects the necessary information;
  • makes data processing;
  • reduces all data to a single format;
  • transfers data to a single database.

Literate assistant for your business

If you still collect information manually, it’s time to leave it in the past and use an effective solution – Parsers. This is a platform for scraping websites. Instructions for using the web scraper is simple and does not require programming skills. To start working with Parsers, install the Chrome Webstore extension, go to the website you are interested in, run the extension and select only the fields you need. With the help of settings, you can specify what information you want to get: table, url, image, etc. Parsers collects all information in a convenient summary table, which can be downloaded in any convenient format (CSV, XML, XLSX, JSON) or get by API. With Parsers, data is collected in minutes. Start saving your time and money now!

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